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Data Center System Planning

System planning is the Achilles' heel of a data center physical infrastructure project. Planning mistakes can magnify and propagate through later deployment phases, resulting in delays, cost overruns, wasted time, and ultimately a compromised system. Much of the trouble can be eliminated by viewing system planning as a data flow model, with an orderly sequence of tasks that progressively transform and refine information from initial concept to final design. Course Credits: * This course has been approved by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for one (1) PDH * This course is recognized for continuing education credit from IFMA for CFM/FMP Maintenance Points.
* Identify where planning fits in the overall data center design / build project process * Plan a data center using a structured system planning sequence * Determine IT parameters for data center criticality, capacity and growth plan * Develop a physical infrastructure system concept to support IT parameters * Determine how to extract requirements from user preferences and constraints * Differentiate between a user specification and standard specification * Convert requirements into specifications and specifications into a detailed design
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Topic : Design and Site Planning

Course content

    • Course Overview
    • Online Course
    • Course Assessment
    • Course Feedback
    • Reference Materials
      • Course Transcript