By Language / English

Emergency Power Generators For Healthcare Facilities

Hospitals require extraordinary reliability from their power systems. Life-support systems, as well as critical ancillary infrastructure systems such as HVAC, communications, records management, and security ideally should remain online during a power disruption. Within the healthcare market, hospitals often are called upon to provide emergency services during disaster situations. Meeting these demands requires power systems that are designed to support highly critical operations for extended durations under often difficult circumstances. This course discusses the importance of reliable emergency generators in health care facilities and describes the various types of generators used in the healthcare environment and their application.
Discuss importance of reliable emergency generators in health care facilities Describe the various types of generators used in the healthcare environment and their application Explain the purpose of a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA)
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Topic : Healthcare

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    • Course Overview
    • Online Course
    • Course Assessment
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    • Reference Materials
      • Course Transcript